Upcoming Workshops, Seminars, and Online Courses
If you are ready to confront the issues holding you back from achieving your goals, this course is for you. Please click on the video and you will be directed to the website to register.
November 17, 2018 MAFE Conference Presenter
Achieving Success: Vision Board Workshop
Are you ready to begin living out your purpose, are you ready to follow your path? Do you beleive you have wasted enough time? Join us on January 5, 2019 for our vision board workshop. At this workshop you will create a vision, strategy for success. Click on the link below to register.
Click on the video, and register today for the Michigan Association for Female Entpreneurers (MAFE) 2018 Conference. Dr. Bank s-Hall, will be giving a Powertalk, entitled, " Overcome your Fear and Create a Profitable Business."
4 - Week Dream Building Virtual Workshop
2/24, 3/3, 3/10 & 3/17
Are you ready to move forward in 2019. Join Dr. Regina Banks-Hall for a 4-week virtual workshop on breaking through issues that hinder people from moving forward. Click on the link below to register Breakthrough and Build Your Dreams Workshop
April 27, 2019
"Handle Your Business" A Workshop for New Business Startups
We are almost at the end of the first quarter of the year. How many of you had a dream to start your business, but have yet taken the first step. Join Dr. Banks-Hall for "Handle Your Business". At this workshop, Dr. Banks-Hall will provide you with a step-by-step blue print for launching your new business.
July 27, 2019
"Handle Your Business" A Workshop for New Business Startups
We are at the half point of the year. How many of you had a dream to start your business, but have yet taken the first step. Join Dr. Banks-Hall for "Handle Your Business". At this workshop, Dr. Banks-Hall will provide you with a step-by-step blue print for launching your new business and taking advantage of the rest of 2019.
Diversity Workshop 11/30/2022 - Brighton Chamber of Commerce
DPD Special Commencement Ceremony
DPD Signing Ceremony
Please take this complimentary course and celebrate Black History Month. Please click on the link to begin Black History Course
Complimentary Course on Time Management. Please click on the link to begin. Time Management Course